St Joseph's Tobruk Memorial school was established in 1953 to provide for the educational needs of the children of Beenleigh and surrounding areas. The school opened with 97 students and since then has grown considerably in both number and reputation. St Joseph's Tobruk Memorial school proudly serves community on Yugambeh land, striving to nurture and educate the whole child through the principles, traditions, and teachings of the church within a community of faith.
In recognition of the importance of the relationship between St Joseph's school and St Patrick's Parish, with due reference to Archdiocesan policies and practices, the following criteria are adopted for discernment in progressing enrolments.
Enrolment Priority Criteria
The child is baptised Catholic and a sibling of student/s who is/are enrolled at and attending St Joseph's and/or a sibling of student/s who is/are enrolled at and attending St Joseph's.
The child is a baptised Catholic whose family resides in St Patrick's Parish and whose family is supportive of the values of the gospel and the traditions of the Catholic Church.
The child is moving between Catholic schools from interstate or outside the region.
The child, though not baptised, belongs to a family that can demonstrate some meaningful relationship with a Christian tradition and is committed to and guided by the values of the Gospel and traditions of the community.
The child belongs to a family that shares our values and wishes to join our community.
Note: The Principal and Leadership Team may/will exercise discretion regarding applications where pastoral and/or other considerations apply and, therefore, may determine a child's eligibility beyond the stated criteria. The date the application was received is only one consideration within the enrolment process.

© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Joseph's Tobruk Memorial School, 2024
General Requirements
The child must have attained the age of five (5) years by 30 June in the year they start Prep.
Requests for early entry to Prep is at the discretion of the Principal and only possible if the child meets all the legislative conditions set out in Part 4, Section 15 of the Education (General Provisions) Regulations 2006.
Children with complex, diverse, and special needs will be considered in accordance with Brisbane Catholic Education Office procedures - namely Education Adjustment Support Procedures (EASP) EASP Flowchart.
Enrolment will be reliant upon a vacancy in the relevant year level. When a vacancy exists, places will be discerned following the criteria outlined within this document.
All enrolment applications must be accompanied by:
Documentary evidence of Birth
Documentary evidence of Baptism (if applicable)
Copy of the latest school report (if applicable)
Copy of any court order verifying legal custody and/or access (if applicable)
N.B: Enrolment applications will not be processed until all documentary requirements have been completed. Failure to complete these requirements may delay or affect the acceptance of the application.
Consideration of Applicants
When closer discernment is required in nominating enrolment places, a team consisting of the Principal and Leadership team will work collaboratively to discern and allocate placement.
Prior to offers of enrolment places, consideration will be given to:
- Class size
- Class composition
- Physical accommodation available
- The ability of the school to meet the child's needs
- The need to maintain the Catholic/community character/ethos of the school
- The discretion of the Principal who has delegated authority to manage school enrolments
Conditions of Enrolment
Families accept the policies and procedures of the school and Brisbane Catholic Education.
Parents and carers accept and support all school, uniform and behaviour policies and procedures which have been developed for the efficient management of the school and the safety and wellbeing of children and visitors.
Parents and carers are expected to commit themselves to the payment of school fees and levies.
Parents and carers commit to conduct themselves in line with our school values, Joey's RESPECT expectations, and Brisbane Catholic Education guidelines.
Enrolment Application and Support Procedures EASP Flowchart
The Enrolment Application and Support Procedure (EASP) is a process that aims to clarify the needs of the student and to identify the educational adjustments and transition required for accessing learning programs for the student.
Adjustments are made for students with a disability to enable them to access the curriculum, achieve curriculum outcomes and participate in school life. An adjustment is any change made to help a student participate at school, learn, and be comfortable and safe.
Transition Process
Transitions occur when a student has to move from or into a new educational setting. Transitions may occur when students are moving; into Prep; from one year level to another or from primary to secondary school.
Before a transition process commences, parents, with support, are encouraged to take time to visit all possible educational settings when considering a placement for a student with a disability. The Enrolment Application and Support Procedure (EASP) is one way of identifying the support and personnel required to make the transitioning as smooth as possible. The purpose of a transition meeting is to discuss and plan, collaboratively, a suitable course of action to assist the move as effortlessly as possible.
Issue date: 2021
Review date: 2024