Physical Education at St Joseph's is provided by a specialist teacher. The Physical Education program reflects the developmental needs of students and has a strong focus on participation and provides opportunities for all students regardless of ability. Students are supportedd to develop and refine gross motor and movement skills as well as opportunities to participate in a variety of activities to broaden their sporting horizons.
At St Joseph's students participate in a range of whole school sporting carnivals including Cross-County, Athletics and Swimming.
St Joseph's students are supported to partake in a wide range of representative sporting activities including Catholic zone sport, Beenleigh and Pacific Rim district competitions and state and national representations.
At St Joseph's Dance, Drama and Music curriculum learning is provided by a specialist teacher. This curriculum learning supports students to perform and reflect on dance and drama experiences and listen to, compose and perform music from a diverse range of styles, cultures, traditions and contexts.
Students are given the opportunity to participate in a range of extra-curricular music activities including School Choir and Instrumental Music Program.

All students at St Joseph's engage in weekly STEM lessons. STEM education combines discipline knowledge, skills and understanding of Science, Technologies, Engineering and Mathematics. STEM education enables students to develop solutions to complex problems and provides them with the knowledge, understanding, skills and capabilities that will help them succeed in a world of technological change. As future innovators, educators, researchers and leaders, it is important that students develop the skills required to compete on a global scale.
Yugambeh Language is provided by a specialist teacher. All students in Prep-Year 6 learn Yugambeh language the traditional language of The Gugingin People the Traditional Owners on whose land our school is built. Our Language program and curriculum is written in collaboration with local First Nations elders.